CANE Press, the publishing arm of the Classical Association of New England, commissioned several black and white illustrations for their new edition of Navigatio Sancti Brendani, (Navigation of Saint Brendan) a textbook for second year Latin students.
The story of a seven-year voyage on the North Atlantic of a band of sixth-century Irish monks was prepared for reading with vocabularies and notes by Thomas M. Hayes, and edited by Ruth Breindel.
All the illustrations were created using 3D meshes with post-production work in Adobe Photoshop. The illustrations were then inserted into the book’s pages using Adobe InDesign.
- A Griffin
- A Map Showing St. Brendan’s Island
- St. Brendan and Crew Mistake a Sea Monster for an Island
- A Talking Bird
- A Demon Emerges from the Monk’s Mouth
- Judas
- The Holy Grail
- The Monks Observe Two Monsters Fighting
Beautiful Work Mary. Your attention to detail and use of multiple programs to create this illustration are a tribute to your talent.
Neil Fabbo, CEO
Universe Design
Peabody, MA